O Salário do Medo


No começo tudo parece pouco interessante, mas, aos poucos, um clima de suspense toma conta da história e o espectador fica sem fôlego, tal o ritmo emocionante que Clouzot imprime a seu filme – narra a vida sem perspectivas de quatro estrangeiros num vilarejo de país não especificado da América do Sul. Mario vive de bicos e sonha em voltar para a França. Uma companhia de petróleo americana, que domina a região, vai pagar US$ 2.000 dólares para que ele vá, junto com os três amigos, levar um carregamento de nitroglicerina para explodir um poço de petróleo em chamas. Todos estão dispostos a arriscar a vida e fazem a viagem nas esburacadas estradas, onde qualquer solavanco mais forte poderá jogar os aventureiros pelos ares.

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Título original

Le Salaire de la peur

Idioma original









Henri-Georges Clouzot

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    There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don't look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isn't anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text.

  • Greate movie 24.08.2023, by Gene Graham 9.0

    There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don't look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isn't anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text.

  • It could be better 24.08.2023, by Rosa Lee 7.0

    There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don't look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isn't anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text.